Entries by The Sector

9 Social Enterprise Business Models

Change Creator™ has identified 9 working social enterprise business models that bring value to customers. As they state, there are 3 measures that define if a business model in generalis successful or not: the model’s ability to generate profit for its owners, its ability to generate positive change in the world, and its ability to […]

Risks in Social Enterprise Business Models are Mitigated by Existing Resource Bases of Parents Orgs

Social enterprise businesses (SEB) emerge from industries like clean technology, health, education, finance and micro-finance, to name a few. No matter what the industry, innovative, non-traditional business models that capitalize on socially and/or environmentally beneficial opportunities have arisen. A business model describes how the program or initiative will work and how it will sustain itself. […]

Social enterprise business models

Social enterprises apply business solutions to social problems. The ultimate goal is to achieve sustainability by enabling non-profits to support themselves financially in innovative ways instead of relying solely on grants and donations. Since there are no shareholders in a non-profit organization, the profits from the related social enterprise are completely re-invested in the work […]